What a privilege it is to be alive.

"What a privilege it is to be alive".
For every single day since the onset of time, our ancestors have lived long enough to pass on to us life.
The chance of our entire existence is pretty incredible, we are the being's of our ancestors. Yet, we have this unique soul within us, this drive this lust for life.
You are existing in this world right now, which in itself is amazing.
Just to live, just to feel, just to experience. It's such an incredible chance and such an incredible blessing.
Just to live, just to feel, just to experience. It's such an incredible chance and such an incredible blessing.
Yes, life can be hard, yes things can hurt, but to experience pain, isn't that just incredible because it means we are alive?
And all the wonderful things we experience, all the hidden beauty in this world.It surrounds us in nature, in art, in books, in humans. All we have to do is look around us once in a while, take it all in and realise, happiness is not a destination. It's not something we can attain through other things, it's something we can attain right now in this moment. It's all about mindset.
For a while I used to think, if I had certain things in order I would find peace and happiness in my life. But now I know, it's if I find peace and happiness in my present moments, then everything else will fall into order.
I truly believe life is about giving love, that unconditional pure form of love, that knows no boundaries.
Love to ourselves, love to others, love in things that we do and love in every experience we have on this wonderful little planet. Don't worry about receiving love back, just keep giving it. All the love you need is within yourself.
Connect with people in person, do things that aren't just revolved around social media. Do things that ingnite that passion within your soul.
I hope wherever you are right now, that you know you are not alone, you are the product of your ancestors, the product of love and life, they are always with you in your essence.
You are one in a million, your existence is an incredible chance.
We are all interconnected through this amazing chance that occured and that created our life.
It's pretty incredible.
Breathe. Enjoy. Experience. Live.
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