Books of the month.

My favourite books this month.
It's no secret I love a good book. 
Especially those rather strange tales that keep you eagerly turning pages until all sorts of hours through the night.

I've read a few goodies this month and would love to share with you my list of monthly favourites. 
I'll try not to give the plot away, and give a fuzzy Ally synopsis.

1. "My Uncle Oswald" by Roald Dahl.
This book is brilliant. If you haven't read much of Roald Dahl's adult literature I really do reccomend! His children's books are amazing, and his adult novels are equally fantastic. 
I just love Dahl's style of writing, he has one of the greatest imaginations and such a quirky style. This is highlighted especially in "My Uncle Oswald". Written as if it's his nephew reading his Uncle's diary. The tales he gets up to are so saucy, hilariously rauncy and strange they really do keep you reading and laughing throughout. Also it's a pretty short easy read too, perfect if you want a light read of something humorous. 

2. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.
This is a medley of short stories collected by the authors. They are all uplifting, warming and positively lovely stories put together in a way to really restore one's faith in humanity. These stories are probably going to wet your eyes and warm your heart simultaneously. I love keeping this book in my bag for train journeys, bus rides and just for when you ever feel a bit low. They sure put things back into perspective and make you grateful again. Perfect for an easy going injection of positivity into your world.

3. "Sombrero Fallout" by Richard Brautigan. 
This one is a strange read, but delicately written and so observant. Tiny minute details are just described beautifully with soft elegant language that's almost poetic. It's basically a guy trying to cope with the break up of his Japanese girlfriend. He writes a story about a Sombrero falling from the sky, gives up and his story becomes completely different. A weird combination of dreams, strange descriptions and inherently descriptive language. This is quite the read. Not your ordinary book. 


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